Giant sucking sound at CES

There’s storage behind almost every exciting innovation at CES 

 Kaleidascape’s 3U Server

It’s wild and crazy here at CES , but if you listen carefully, you can hear a giant sucking sound: massive storage being pulled by incredible new audio and visual consumer technology.  They’re mostly just incremental improvements on existing technology.  Their adoption will drive TBs of capacity to make them real. 

  • Lots and lots of home theater systems  – from the high end (like Kaleidascape and XStreamHD) to the mainstream (MS Media Center, Home servers and many others).  All of them making it very easy to pull DVD collections and TV episodes in, requiring TBs per home.
  • Bigger LCDs – which mean higher resolution.  It’s hard to see the difference between standard definition and HD on a 32″ TV.  But as TVs get really big (like the 150″ monster demoed by Panasonic), even HD isn’t enough.  Every resolution increase multiplies the size of the content being shown (and stored)

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